You know, we're waiting for the byelection results, meanwhile this big vote on recognizing Quebec as a nation within Canada is going on right now in the Commons. Noticed that Stephane Dion voted for it, he got applause. Also noticed the Bloc totally caved and are supporting it too; how can they say no to recognizing themselves as a nation?
The big news is that Michael Chong quit the cabinet in order to abstain- he didn't want to vote for this bill.
Thing I found interesting was Monte Solberg was in there. Wasn't he scheduled to speak at a fundraising event in Toronto tonight? I guess the fundraiser is off.
Notice Joe Volpe and Ken Dryden voted against it--- leadership implications? Could they end up going over to support Gerard Kennedy at the convention, since Kennedy came out against this bill, too?
UPDATE: Found out Peter Van Loan got named to the cabinet as Intergovernmental Affairs Minister to replace Chong.
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