Thursday, November 30, 2006


Zzzzzz. Well, forgive me for not liveblogging the boring Liberal convention and the boring Paul Martin tribute. Instead, I have been watching an NBA basketball game on the other channel.

If it's hard for a political junkie like me to get excited about this depressingly boring made-for-TV tribute tonight, which looks to me like nothing more than a big infomercial for the Liberal Party and how great they are---- then just think what a waste of time this is for most of the yokels out there at home! You think any of them are caring about tonight? I saw some man on the street interviews done for the local news, and none of the people on the street seemed to know who the candidates were, nor did they care.

Things should get much more exciting tomorrow, though, so I'm looking forward to that. But you have to be a big geek to be interested in what is happening tonight. In fact, I'll bet you most of the delegates want to get this thing over with so they can head to the hospitality suites to get drunk.

The real reason emerges for why the Liberals voted to keep leadership conventions: they don't want to lose a great opportunity to drink. The secret is out.


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