You know I keep on hearing these reports on TV about how the rank and file Tories are supposed to be pressuring the Prime Minister to manufacture his own defeat and go to the polls quickly, on the heels of the provincial results in Quebec (good for conservative-type people, bad for separatists), and the supposed momentum the Conservatives have across the country.
Well, if we're going to have an election, I hope it's because the Tories catch the Liberals taking some arrogant get-tough approach to some legislation. Then I'm all for it. But I don't want this government going out of its way to bring itself down, I think that would be pretty stupid. Then people will just say it's a cynical power grab by the Tories, and we'll get these Liberals back in again. Looking greedy for power is the worst thing you can do in politics. Well, maybe not the worst--- being crooked is worse, but power-madness can be a big problem.
I know a lot of these Tories who are always in campaign mode and ready to go, and really enthusiastic about having elections all the time. Me, I'm not that enthusiastic, I'm sorry! Maybe it's because I prefer not to get hammered at the polls every six months by Liberals. Personally I prefer to have elections once every four years, like normal people do.
Besides, this is a big provincial election year and I'd rather get revved up for that. But if these election-type people on the ground want to have their big federal vote, fine. As long as the Liberals get smoked.
The good news is the budget got passed in the House. Woo hoo. I also hear the crime bill is getting passed. That leaves the Clean Air Act up in the air. And I think there's a big dispute over anti-terrorism measures as well. I wouldn't mind seeing the government go down on some anti-terrorism bill of theirs--- then they can crucify the opposition for voting against these good, common-sense proposals to secure the country. Whatever will win an election.
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