Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I guess the vote is almost over so I'll slip in two more endorsements before 8PM hits.

First, voters in Don Valley East should vote for Angela Kennedy. She's a hard worker and a capable representative on the school board who knows the education issues inside and out. She would be a lot better than the current representative David Caplan in my book. Also, I hope the folks in her campaign have a good time at Joe Maggiano's tonight in spite of what looks likely to happen. Like I say the food is good there.

Also, you all should ignore Andrew Coyne and vote against proportional representation, and say no to MMP or whatever they are calling it. It's a sure-fire way to get rid of any semblance of accountability or stability, and a sure way to have governments decided not by the people, but by deals made behind closed doors by politicians. You want less accountable bigshot politicians in power? Then vote for MMP!

That's it!!!


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